So far, there have only been two official Jessica Rabbit dolls ever created. The most recent is by Tonner - but the first was by Mattel back in 1999. If anyone can recall, when a photo was released of the Jessica Rabbit Doll by Mattel - she looked amazing! Then, not too long after, an updated photo replaced the first one and showed that the doll had been changed significantly. This is something that happens for many reasons to products - but as for why it happened to the Jessica doll remained a mystery... Until Now! This exclusive interview with Jessica Rabbit Mattel Doll designer, Lisa Temming, uncovers the real reason the doll was changed, what other plans were supposed to be in store for the doll, the strong opinions Disney and Amblin had about Jessica, and the line of Jessica dolls that never happened. Lisa also shares with us never before seen photos of the original prototype and a special version she created.

First I'd like to let people know a little more about you. Do you remember what inspired you to become an artist?
Lisa Temming:
My family is a very creative bunch - so, from the moment I could hold a crayon, my Mom and Grandma were teaching me how to draw and design. At age 8, I decided I wanted to be a fashion designer (instead of an astronaut) and my family did everything they could to help me along that path.