Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Eddie's Kiss Magnets By Krysten's Kreations

Now available from Krysten's Kreations are these amazing handmade Eddie's Kiss Magnets. Offered in Standard Lips or Flying Lips, so you can choose which one you like the most. There is also a separate add-on Magnetic Vent Clip, so you can take our favorite Toontown Diva's kisses with you wherever you go. Stick these on the fridge, in your car, on your shelf... wherever you like! Available Now!

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Future Of Roger Rabbit - An Interview With Creator Gary K. Wold

It was some fifteen years ago that I first interviewed Roger Rabbit creator Gary K. Wolf about his novel, Who Censored Roger Rabbit, the inspiration behind it all, the movie, and the aftermath. I was honored to be talking with him again to reexamine the whole process from his original 1981 book to the 1988 film Who Framed Roger Rabbit... and what the future holds.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Roger Rabbit - Book Vs. Movie

Did you know Roger Rabbit was actually a novel released in 1981 by Gary K. Wolf before it went on to become a movie in 1988. Listen in as Gary talks about his characters and hints that there there will be big news to come in 2025.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Roger Rabbit News Coming In 2025


It's no joke, folks! Big news is coming your way! There is a major Roger Rabbit announcement dropping next month. Stay Tooned for all the juicy details. More info will be revealed in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears wide open. You won’t want to miss what’s next.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Roger And Jessica Rabbit Hood Ornament In Disneyland

A new Roger and Jessica Rabbit hood ornament popped up at Disneyland in Judge Doom's area for meet-and-greets. The ornament was spotted by Instagram user coheteboy and it appears it was not present on the Dipmobile when Doom made his park debut in 2023. You would only be able to spot it if you're looking really closely and I have not seen anyone else with photos of it before. Since you have to stand further back from the set, it would be easy to miss but here are some up close photos...