On October 5th 2013, the Jessica Rabbit As Villains series was released at the Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store. As Ursula Jessica Rabbit is wearing a long dress with one leg showing and the dress ending in purple tentacles. There is also a big ocean wave behind her which is a second layer. As Maleficent, Jessica is holding the magic staff and wearing horns and long flowing black and purple robes. There are also the stone wings from Maleficent's throne behind her as the second layer. The surprise release was Jessica As the Queen of Hearts. She is wearing a crown, red and black gown, and holding a heart shaped fan. The second layer is a queen of hearts card. As Cruella De Vil, Jessica is dressed in the familiar fur coat and holding a purse and long cigarette in one hand. She has a black dress and also the signature black and white hair - though the style of the hair is Jessica's and not Cruella's crazy look. Perdita and Pongo are the second layer of the pin. They sold for $16.95 and are a Limited Edition of 400 each. Different versions of Jessica as Maleficent, Ursula and Queen of Hearts had been previously released through the Disney Store.
To see previous Jessica Rabbit Halloween pins - Click Here.