Angel is from the very short lived 1992 Hanna-Barbera cartoon Fish Police. The tv show was loosly based on a comic book that came out in the 80's - but the show didn't strike a note with many. The TV version of Angel was an exact copy of Jessica Rabbit. She even says to Fish City's Inspector Gil in the first episode, "I'm not bad, I just Smell that way." (Which was originally reedited as, "I'm not bad, I'm good. Very good!" when it was shown on CBS.) Angel worked as a singer in a nightclub called The Shell Shack and is suspected of murdering crime boss Clams Casino. JoBeth Williams supplied Angel's speaking and singing voice.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Jessipedia - Angel Jones
Part of a new section to will be the Jessipedia page. Here, you will find many other characters who either borrowed from or inspired Jessica Rabbit's creation. First, we have:
Angel Jones from Fish Police
Angel is from the very short lived 1992 Hanna-Barbera cartoon Fish Police. The tv show was loosly based on a comic book that came out in the 80's - but the show didn't strike a note with many. The TV version of Angel was an exact copy of Jessica Rabbit. She even says to Fish City's Inspector Gil in the first episode, "I'm not bad, I just Smell that way." (Which was originally reedited as, "I'm not bad, I'm good. Very good!" when it was shown on CBS.) Angel worked as a singer in a nightclub called The Shell Shack and is suspected of murdering crime boss Clams Casino. JoBeth Williams supplied Angel's speaking and singing voice.
Angel is from the very short lived 1992 Hanna-Barbera cartoon Fish Police. The tv show was loosly based on a comic book that came out in the 80's - but the show didn't strike a note with many. The TV version of Angel was an exact copy of Jessica Rabbit. She even says to Fish City's Inspector Gil in the first episode, "I'm not bad, I just Smell that way." (Which was originally reedited as, "I'm not bad, I'm good. Very good!" when it was shown on CBS.) Angel worked as a singer in a nightclub called The Shell Shack and is suspected of murdering crime boss Clams Casino. JoBeth Williams supplied Angel's speaking and singing voice.