Star of Modern Family, Sofía Vergara attended the 20th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards recently and showed off her stunning form in a tight, silver Donna Karan dress. The cast of Modern Family won for Outstanding Comedy Ensemble.
"I feel very sexy," she told E! News. "I feel very Jessica Rabbit, like an old Jessica Rabbit!" She doesn't looks so much like an old Jessica Rabbit as she looks downright stunningly gorgeous.
"I shouldn't complain, because I think it's ungrateful, but of course, I'm a woman," she admitted. "Now that I'm older, there's many parts that I complain about every day. But I don't say it because I don't want to sound ungrateful."
Vergara even turned around to the camera to show off the back of the dress, which was showing quite a lot. I think Jessica Rabbit would approve.