The Disney Soda Fountain and Studio Store isn't going to let the lack of pins for Halloween pass quietly. This month, they are releasing SIX different Jessica Rabbit pins - just in case your wallet was getting bored!
The first pin is the Jessica Thanksgiving pin, being released on November 5th. This is only a limited edition of 150 and will see for $10.95 each.
The next pins to be released on November 19th are part of the Jessica Rabbit Decades series. This continues from the first series of Jessica dressed in clothes from 1910, 20, 30 and 40's. The new series will be 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's. They are limited to 300 each (note the 1970's edition size is probably wrong on the flyer) and will sell for $10.95 each.
Last, there will be a Roger and Jessica Lightbulb series pin released on November 26th. Roger and Jessica are together next to a Christmas lightbulb. These pins might be a little bigger as they are selling for $12.95 each and a limited edition of 150.